Free Estimates

 We encourage interested customers to either browse products on our website then come to our showroom or come directly to our store to make selections of the type flooring you're interested in. With such a large selection of product categories, styles, and colors it is best to see them for yourself. You will have the opportunity to discuss various options and get advise from our professional sales staff. Once you have narrowed your selections down to what you're most interested in you are welcome to check these samples out and take them home to view them in your room(s), in your lighting.

Before or after you have made a final decision Dalton Georgia Carpet Mill Outlet can have one of our professional staff come to your home and take measurements of each room to receive new flooring. We will also evaluate the need for any floor preparations that might be required in order to properly install your new floor. We will then provide you with an itemized estimate of the total cost of your job in a timely manner. This service is offered to you at NO CHARGE.

Our free measuring / estimate services are available Tuesday through Friday. We do not do measurements on Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays.

Please call us at (205) 655-7899 to set up a date and time for your FREE ESTIMATE !

Exit 141, I-59
5959 Service Rd
Birmingham, AL 35235

Phone: (205) 655-7899


Tuesday - Friday : 8:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Saturday : 8:30 - 2 p.m.

Closed Sunday & Monday

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